Kids Movement & Running Analysis

We’ve worked with a lot of youngsters on the island that are heavily involved in sports, day in and day out! Many of which have struggled with persistent injuries, which more often than not are down to biomechanical issues. We know that not all children are natural movers, and of course each child develops at different growth rates. This can have a huge affect on their movement ability and running form, and it’s at this point when we normally see the typical growth injuries i.e. osgood-schlatters, sever's.

We believe our movement screening and biomechanical analysis for kids will be extremely helpful in allowing us to identify any inefficiencies that could cause injury or prevent your child from moving and running faster.  We educate them on good movement patterns, and work on ways to help your child reduce their risk of injury, improve their efficiency and get the most out of activities and sport. We see a lot of youngsters between the ages of 6-14 years old.

Whether they play football, hockey, rugby, netball (the list can go on), it all involves running. Learning how to move and run optimally is vital in life, and especially important if they’re very sporty and play competitively.